Zion Community Methodist Church
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Rev. Scott D. Meeker
Wednesday 7:00 PM Community Prayer
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us in this moment, so that we may feel your presence. Fill our hearts with Your love. Illuminate our minds with Your light. Mold us and make us useful servants for You. Reveal to us at this moment, opportunities for showing Your love and Your light in our communities along Route 50 in Western Ohio. Guide us and energize us into action so that we may turn possibilities into ministries of hopeful service. Through the power of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit we pray. Amen.
Altar Flowers
Sign up using the calendar on the bulletin board in the main hall. Forms available on the board.
Cost for flowers is $50. Contact Martha S.
Card Ministry
Have greeting cards you don't use? Donate them to the Card Ministry! And, while you're there, pick up a card or 2 to send to our Zion Community, and those on our prayer list.
Service Opportunities
Please consider the many ways you can share your time and talent at Zion CMC and be the hands and feet of Christ.