Zion Community Methodist Church

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ


Rev. Scott D. Meeker

   *Sunday Services

     Worship Service:  In-Person^ and Live-Stream via Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ZIONUNITED.ORG/

     Bible Study:  In-Person and Google Video Meet - https://meet.google.com/hdk-fjar-qzb

Sermon Series:  The Night in the Garden

Message:  “Victory is Already Ours”

         Preface:  The battles we face in life are very difficult.  They can come with                                   hardships, setbacks, and other challenges.  Let us never forget                                     that through Christ we have already been promised victory.

        Psalm 20, Matthew 27:17-36                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mar. 9, 2025

^Hearing Assist Devices are available for use during the 10:15 AM Worship Services.  Devices include both On-Ear speakers and T-Loop devices.  See Rick R. in the back of the sanctuary for assistance.

                            The Season of Lent

Ash Wednesday - March 5

Ash Wednesday is a time of preparation for the Season of Lent. 

The church will be open from 6:00-9:00 pm. You may arrive anytime between that time to receive ashes and communion.


Sunday Schedule*

 9:15 AM

Sunday Bible Study

McWhorter Parlor

10:00 AM


10:15 AM

Worship (Traditional-Contemporary Blend)


Zion Community Methodist Church

4980 Zion Road - Cleves, Ohio 45002

